
Training for Youth

This section provides a variety of materials, from quick references to complete courses, all designed to help our members improve leadership skills and deliver a quality program. Many of the courses can be taken online. A log-in is required; however, anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)

The purpose of the ILST course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. It is intended to help Boy Scouts in leadership positions within their troop understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILST is the first course in the series of leadership training offered to Boy Scouts and is a replacement for Troop Leadership Training. Completion of ILST is a prerequisite for Boy Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). It is also required to participate in a Kodiak Challenge Trek.
View Online  (July 2018)
Troop Position Description Cards 

National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops.
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NYLT Leadership Academy

The NYLT Leadership Academy trains youth staff to be top-notch presenters, evaluators, and leaders of their councils' National Youth Leadership Training NYLT) courses. This intensive one-week course will improve course (NYLT) knowledge and problem-solving skills, which will help them run world-class NYLT programs.
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Scholarship Information 
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2018 NYLT Leadership Academy Participant Registration 
2018 NYLT Leadership Academy Staff Registration 

Powder Horn

Open to both registered adults and youth who are at least 13 and have completed the 8th grade, Powder Horn is a hands-on resource management course designed to give you the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program in your troop, team, crew, or ship. Contact your area training chair for information about upcoming courses in your area.
Download Syllabus 

Hazardous Weather

Hazardous Weather training must be completed prior to requesting a tour permit from the BSA. The module presents safety precautions for eight different types of weather, as well as planning, preparation, and traditional weather signs. You will answer questions about the topics after each section. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.
Log in to My.Scouting to take this course online 

Cyber Chip

To help families and volunteers keep youth safe while online. Topics include cyberbullying, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming, and identity theft.
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Youth Leadership Growth Opportunities

The Boy Scouts of America provides opportunities for youth to develop and improve their leadership skills in the unit, in the local council, and at national training centers. To find out more about what leadership courses would be of the most benefit to you or your youth.
Click here for more information